Learn Guitar has always been a passion of mine this resulted in me taking guitar lessons at an early age. If you like music and your first love is the guitar perhaps you should consider taking some Guitar Lessons. If you want to master an instrument and be able to play a wide range of guitar styles then this is the way to go.
I was checking out learning guitar on Markslog and I came across an article about being a Guitar Guru and I found its content to be on par with my way if thinking. One of the things which I like about the guitar is the different tones which you can accomplish and the various shades of sound you can obtain when you learn guitar and to master different techniques.
Lets take the guitarist Doc Watson playing his version of windy and warm and then compare it with Chet Atkins version despite playing in the same style they both have their own sound and if I were to be honest I would much prefer to learn Doc Watson's version of Windy and warm over Chet Atkins. I've heard many people cover the song but none have arranged it as nice as docs version for this reason I too learnt docs version.
Another good example when learning guitar is to listen and to compare music and see how two people can have a different approach, a good example of this is by two Jazz guitarist, take Barney Kessel's and Joe Pass's version of the song written by Stevie Wonder called "you are the sunshine of my life" they both utilize great technique yet each player takes a different approach and accomplishes a different sound. Personally if I had a choice to learn either of the two versions I would prefer learning Barney's approach to the song, reason being I think it would be far more challenging to learn.
Kessel had a much more rhythmic style which gives the song more punch therefore making it more challenging to learn. In addition to that, he incorporated some very clever chordal playing. He is able to do so as he has huge knowledge of chord progressions, and the theory related to it, he knows countless riffs & licks which would be equally or more challenging to learn guitar
I was checking out learning guitar on Markslog and I came across an article about being a Guitar Guru and I found its content to be on par with my way if thinking. One of the things which I like about the guitar is the different tones which you can accomplish and the various shades of sound you can obtain when you learn guitar and to master different techniques.
Lets take the guitarist Doc Watson playing his version of windy and warm and then compare it with Chet Atkins version despite playing in the same style they both have their own sound and if I were to be honest I would much prefer to learn Doc Watson's version of Windy and warm over Chet Atkins. I've heard many people cover the song but none have arranged it as nice as docs version for this reason I too learnt docs version.
Another good example when learning guitar is to listen and to compare music and see how two people can have a different approach, a good example of this is by two Jazz guitarist, take Barney Kessel's and Joe Pass's version of the song written by Stevie Wonder called "you are the sunshine of my life" they both utilize great technique yet each player takes a different approach and accomplishes a different sound. Personally if I had a choice to learn either of the two versions I would prefer learning Barney's approach to the song, reason being I think it would be far more challenging to learn.
Kessel had a much more rhythmic style which gives the song more punch therefore making it more challenging to learn. In addition to that, he incorporated some very clever chordal playing. He is able to do so as he has huge knowledge of chord progressions, and the theory related to it, he knows countless riffs & licks which would be equally or more challenging to learn guitar
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